I am a big fan of Regnum Online.

But after having reinstalled Ubuntu last week, it meant I also had to reinstall Regnum Online.
This was no problem to me and I happily did that.

Then, it happened.

The game suffered so much lag, and was so slow that I couldn’t deal with it. My heart sunk at the idea that Lucid Lynx might have destroyed my gaming experience.
I scoured the forums, Google, everywhere I could to find a solution.

One interesting post mentioned testing if all 3D games behaved like this, so without further ado, I installed Scorched 3D and to my amazement this worked perfectly. So I was still no closer to the answer.

Well, this morning I discovered it, so if you suffer the same problem, here is the answer.

Regnum Online uses by default something called PixelShader…the current one being PixelShader 4.0.
This might not work well for you so do the following:

Log into Regnum Online through the client.
When you reach the page where you are asked to select your realm, you will notice at the top an option called ‘Settings’.
Click on there and you will find a dropdown box with the current selection being ‘PixelShader 4.0’. Click on it and select the bottom entry ‘Piping’.
Once selected, click back, then enter the game…Have Fun!!!

So before you think that maybe your video card can’t handle Lucid Lynx or Regnum anymore, don’t throw it away, and give this a shot first.